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World Population Day 2021

  • July 12, 2021

Are you aware of how many people are there on the planet? It is more than seven billion. To be precise, the human population has grown approximately to 7.5 billion people in the 50,000 years since the beginning of human history. Five Billion Day was established in 1987 to commemorate the date when the world's population reached an estimated five billion people, which supposedly occurred on 11th July of that year. In 1989, the United Nations designated 11th July as World Population Day to spread awareness about population-related issues around the world. The day is especially significant for India, which has the world's second-largest population after China.

The global population reached 7 billion in 2011, and it now stands at around 7.7 billion. According to the UN, the population could reach 8.5 billion in 2030, 9.7 billion in 2050, and 10.9 billion in 2100.

World Population Day theme 2021

Every year, the day is observed with a particular theme to draw attention to various issues such as child marriage, gender equality, human rights, and many others. Since last year, the world has suffered as a result of COVID-19. The pandemic has had a particularly negative impact on the population. As a result, this year's theme is "Rights and Choices are the Answer: the solution to shifting fertility rates lies in prioritizing all people's reproductive health and rights." The deadly virus's impact on sexual and reproductive health was palpable. Millions of lives have been lost as a result of the pandemic, but there has also been an increase in domestic violence against women. As they were forced to live in isolation with their abusers; certain women delayed motherhood; and unintended pregnancies due to limited access to contraceptive services.

According to the UN, the pandemic will push 47 million women and girls into extreme poverty. Furthermore, many girls who are no longer in school may never return. There is an erosion of women's rights and choices. Due to the onset of the pandemic, resources for reproductive health services were diverted.

So, how do we solve these issues?

As individuals, and as a society, we can address the pressing issues related to overpopulation that affect all of us directly or indirectly.

  • Ensuring that all children receive at least primary education.
  • Create awareness about family planning and safe sex practices.
  • Ensuring a healthy diet for new mothers and children.
  • Improving hospital and maternity facilities.