Sensitive teeth

World Mosquito Day: Must Know Prevention Tactics

  • August 18, 2020

Mosquito borne diseases are common with the arrival of monsoon in many parts of our country. Dengue, Malaria, Chikungunya, encephalitis are among the common mosquito-borne diseases. World Mosquito Day is observed annually on August 20, to raise awareness about Mosquito-borne illness and the prevention of Mosquito born disease.

Mosquito borne diseases can be fatal, but luckily, with simple methods, they can be prevented. Here are some ways to avoid mosquito-borne illnesses. Avoiding breeding of mosquitos and mosquito bites is the objective of these preventive measures.

Decreasing the source of infection

  • Avoid water stagnation in your surroundings
  • Clean blocked drains
  • Change the water in room air coolers, flower vases at least once a week
  • Clean the tray below the fridge

Reduce the mosquito breeding places

  • Dispose of old containers, tins and trays
  • Tightly cover the water containers, tanks, etc. such that mosquitos can’t breed in them
  • Fill the ditches if there are

Methods of killing mosquitos and larvae

  • You may introduce some small fish that eat large
  • Pour oil over the water source
  • Allow spray workers to spray. Ensure that you spray behind the photo-frames, curtains, calendars corners of the house, etc.
  • Use insecticide spray once a week if there are too many mosquitos in your area.

Ensure personal protection

  • Wear clothes which cover your body.
  • Use a mosquito net treated with insecticides.
  • Use mosquito repellents like sprays, cream, coils, etc.

There is a treatment for most of the Mosquito born disorders such as malaria, dengue and Chikungunya. However, some of the severe forms of malaria, dengue, and encephalitis can be fatal. The vaccines against Zika, dengue and chikungunya viruses are at different stages of development and are likely to take some time to market. Meanwhile, since Mosquito borne diseases can be avoided with simple techniques, prevention is undoubtedly better than cure.

Disclaimer: Don't follow any suggestions in this article without consulting a qualified doctor.

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