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World Health Day - Tips To Be Healthy Every Day

  • April 05, 2021


73 years ago an organization that aims to draw attention to important health issues facing the world was founded. Hence each year 7th April marks the anniversary of the founding of the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1948. Each year the WHO is focusing on a specific theme. Likewise, the theme for 2021 is "Building a fairer, healthier world"

The COVID-19 pandemic has undercut the recent health gains and pushed more people into food insecurity. This amplified gender, social and health inequities. This year World Health Day theme aims to highlight that "health is one of the fundamental rights of every individual without distinction of race, religion or social condition”.

So, what does it mean to 'be healthy'?

Healthy is when you take care of yourself—your body and your mind. It involves eating healthy foods, getting enough sleep and doing at least 30 mins physical exercise every day.

To celebrate World Health Day, here are some useful ideas to help you spring into good health:

  • Make Water & Tea your Default Drink – Make water your favorite drink, and unsweetened tea can be your healthy companion.
  • Wash your Fruits and Vegetable - Rinse fruits or vegetables well under running water. They may have harmful bacteria from the water or soil in which they were grown.
  • Cook your Food Thoroughly - Fully cooking meat, eggs and seafood kills bacteria and helps eliminate the risk of catching foodborne illnesses.
  • Always carry healthy snacks - Maybe a box of healthy cereal, nuts, or some dried fruit. So you do not make unhealthy choices while out.
  • Socialize in Healthier Ways - Instead of going out to bars or unhealthy restaurants, you get together for a walk in the park or find a healthy restaurant to eat at.
  • Have Fun Exercise - Exercising doesn't need to be boring or hard—it can be one of the best parts of your day. Create challenges for yourself. Find sports you like to play. Practice it as a form of meditation.
  • Strong Bones Bone strengthening activities for children can include skipping, jumping or running and for adults can include running and lifting weights (one’s with underlying health problems, can consult their Doctor before starting any moderate to heavy exercises).

In the current scenario, work from home sometimes lead to longer working hours. To deal with this, one can try out some of these tips:

  • Plan your daily routine. Set boundaries between professional & personal life
  • Set up a clean workstation & avoid working on your bed or couch
  • Build a strong virtual workplace network – catch up with colleagues online

In the end, World Health Day is just a starting point to make many improvements in our daily lifestyle. Enjoy exploring ways to improve your health. Because World Health Day is the perfect opportunity to focus on personal improvements.

Today’s constant stress affects the concentration levels and can lead to mental exhaustion, anxiety, depression and burnout. Regular/annual preventive health check-ups are very important for a healthy lifestyle.