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Women's Day Special - Women's Wellness Tips

  • March 08, 2021

This Women's Day 2021, we request you to bring back the focus on your health. Because personal health takes a backseat for most women as they are always busy with the hectic schedule of taking care of work and home.

Here are some easy-to-follow tips that will help you keep up with your wellness and well-being.

  1. Keep a journal. Keep a small book with a pen handy. Put them in your purse/ wallet. Make a habit to note down through the week what's happening around you. It could be any and everything right from your reactions, moods, to what kind of meals you are eating or exercise you are doing. At the end of the week, just analyse what makes you feel good and bad. This is for your awareness to be alert about your habits.
  1. Schedule mindful time. Find 10 minutes a day to pause and be calm. Talk a walk, sit on a sofa, and close your eyes, whatever you can do. Aim to add on 5 minutes each week for a month, working your way to 20 minutes of mindful time. You don't have to do a thing, just be yourself. Sit calmly and relax your mind and concentrate on your breathing. Conscious breathing can improve your body's ability to deal with stress and increase energy.
  1. Manage stress better. No doubt stress is a part of everyday life. But for every woman, it is about managing work, home, children and other social commitments too. Learn to prioritize your tasks and approach them one at a time. Also please take some time to practice yoga or meditate because that is the best way to deal with stress effectively. Just 10 minutes at the start of the day will help you relaxed and make you calmer.
  1. Balanced and healthy diet. Trying to balance the demands of family and work at times can make it difficult to maintain a healthy diet. But only the right food can enhance your mood and boost your energy. It also helps you maintain a healthy weight. Hence make sure you start your day with a healthy and heavy breakfast. During the day, no matter how busy you are, never skip any meal.
  1. Regular Medical Tests. Women bodies go through so much and today's fast-paced lifestyles only add more hurdles in maintaining a healthy routine. Regular screening ensures that any health issues are identified early-on. Regular tests and examinations like cervical cancer screening, breast examination, bone density test and general health check-ups are a must.


We hope you take this day to truly celebrate yourself and remember don't push yourself to be a wonder-woman because as a woman you are already a wonderful-being and every day is your day.

Wish you all a very healthy and happy Women's Day.