Sensitive teeth

Wellness Goals for a New Year 2021

  • December 14, 2020

People often think about wellness just in terms of physical health — weight management, nutrition, exercise, etc., but it is beyond these. Wellness is a holistic integration of various interdependent dimensions like physical, intellectual, emotional, social, financial and environmental. It is about fueling the body and engaging the mind. It is about a personalized approach to living life in a way that allows you to fully utilize your potentials and circumstances to become the best person, be it in professional or personal life.

Let's focus on the steps you can take for a healthier and happy life in 2021

1.    Small steps for a healthier you

You can adopt the following small steps immediately to see the big difference in your life

·    Whenever possible take the stairs instead of the elevator

·    Stretch for 2 to 3 minutes after every hour while at work

·    Walk to work or short distance whenever possible

·    Eat only healthy food or fruits as per the schedule

2.      Sound sleep

Lack of sleep throws off everything from your focus level during working hours to the rate at which your body ages. So in 2021 be determined to get at least six and a half hours of sleep. You can stop watching TV a half-hour to an hour earlier, stop eating after dinner or stay away from your phone. Adopt the changes you need to do to make it happen because sleep deficiencies have a negative effect on health.

3.      Do a physical activity that you enjoy

Every New Year, you might purchase a gym's membership. This year you may be planning to buy an online fitness program in hopes of shedding extra fat or toning your body in 2021. Rather than taking a big step, start with a small one to get yourself started, choose an activity based on enjoyment and your schedule. For example, taking a half-hour walk or jog, 15 to 20 minutes’ yoga daily, are simple and sustainable goals. Then, set an attainable goal, such as going to gym for at least a few specific days per week. And steadily you will start making a more realistic goal.

4.      Review your goals

Running through life without always knowing if you are moving in the right direction is like a fish trying to survive without water. So make sure to make reviewing your goal, as one of the goals. Always plan to do a monthly and quarterly review of your health. For example, you can go for an annual health checkup and consult a doctor for any specific concern. myHealthmeter can be your best companion in achieving your wellness goals. It will keep you motivated to achieve your goals. Make sure, if required to amend the steps you need to take to reach that goal.

At the beginning of the year, most people feel very high levels of motivation. But over a while, they tend to forget the resolution due to steady loss of motivation. It happens because although they sincerely want to achieve certain resolutions/goals but most of the time they do not plan how to achieve them. Hence it is very important to define the goals and steps to achieve them.