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Well-being Tips During The Winter Season

  • December 21, 2020

December-February are the most common months for people to fall sick, due to season change or temperature fluctuation during the cold season. For most of us, the COVID-19 has already made the year very challenging. Health uncertainty and lack of social interaction have further amplified feelings of anxiety. Considering the current turbulent times, due to the pandemic wave, it can be even more challenging to perform at your best. Hence it's important to take charge of the things you can control.

Seasonal Affective Disorder

If you feel the seasons have a noticeable impact on your mood, you may be experiencing the symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). While it's normal to feel low, but people suffering from SAD feel persistently low during winter. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that's related to changes in seasons.

Symptoms to look out for:

  • Persistent low mood
  • Tiredness and low energy
  • Lack of motivation
  • Irritability
  • Changes in appetite

There are certain proactive steps you can follow to combat the winter blues. Read the tips below for winter wellbeing.

Make the most of natural light

Studies have shown that getting enough sunlight, during winter boosts your mood and productivity and increases your concentration and focus. Hence having enough natural light is especially important if you work from a home. Whenever you feel foggy, just look out of the window and soak up the sun/natural light for a few minutes to get a boost of alertness. The best thing is to strategically position your desk/workplace at home/office near the window to get enough dose of natural light.

Exercise outdoor

The best way to start a day is to exercise outdoor. When you get active, your body releases mood-boosting hormones (endorphins) that can help reduce the symptoms of stress and anxiety. That being said, take in as much sunlight as you can get! Sunlight triggers the production of tryptophan which lead to an increase in serotonin; an aid to mood regulation and good quality sleep; both of which are important in maintaining our mental health.

Avoid stress:

Many people feel sluggish during the winter. In reality, it is not the cold weather that makes you feel tired but getting less sunlight is the main reason Hence it is advisable to avoid stress by planning your work schedule well in advance. When you want to keep your productivity up, make a list of everything you have to do. Instead of bogging yourself down with an unrealistic amount of tasks, jot down only the must-dos. And save the other things under "do it later" list.

Follow winter diet:

Boost your wellbeing by focusing on your health. One way to do this is to eat seasonally, a few food items that should be part of your daily eating:

  • Vegetables: Carrots, Broccoli, Spinach, Cauliflower etc.
  • Fruits: Orange, Banana, Lemon, Grape etc.
  • Fresh and chemical-free juices, avoid packaged juices.
  • Dried fruits, whole grains cereals and pulses.

Enjoy the healthy winter by taking control of your wellbeing. Also remember to consult a doctor, if anything persists for a long.