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Ways to deliver work from home with the best productivity.

  • September 15, 2020

We all have almost adopted a new normal – work from home. And based on the current situation, we cannot predict how soon we would be back to daily office routine.

Infact working from home or office, there are certain basic rules we must follow to make sure we are healthy, fit and fine with zero per cent burnouts or injuries. 

Actually, we should not term them as a rule but a self-care discipline. It will help you to be more productive with the optimum level of energy to perform the task at hand.

We are trapped with computers and electronic devices more than before. We think working from home is freedom of lying in the bed, eat and work. In this new normal we can become more abnormal.

Let’s look at certain basic checklists we should daily follow: 

        1. Right ergonomic posture: Posture is one factor that should never be overlooked while you sit for long hours of work. Since you will be working from home with electrical equipment, make sure wires and plugs are installed at a safe distance. They should not block your way to sit or to get up from your seat. Most importantly, work from home does not mean you have comfort to lie on the bed comfortably with your lappy on tummy. Seat on a comfortable chair.  The monitor / laptop should be placed at an arm’s length while your feet should touch the ground when seated. Your seat should be comfortable enough with multi adjustments.

       2. In between short breaks: If we talk about lunch breaks, it is a time to power ourselves again after a hectic schedule. Short breaks at regular intervals will help you to unwind and reboot for a better performance which is highly recommended if you plan to close deals or you are giving a presentation. It helps you gain confidence and think beyond your box. It simply means get up from your seat, move away from your desk and take  walk for few minutes. It can reduce your risk of serious health conditions! Recent studies have shown  that 5 mins of walking can undo an hour of sitting!

       3. Encourage work-life balance: Socialising is therapy if balanced with work in the right way. Employees who tend to be unsocial are likely to be burnt out and exhaustive than those who socialise and indulge in activities with family and friends. Based on current situation we must follow social distancing and avoid large group. But, a balance between work and other aspects of life like family is very important.

      4. Health boosting practices: Follow the morning rituals of yoga, meditation and healthy foods. A well-researched combination of all the three has shown great results in terms of the productivity of both the organisation and the employee. These help in concentration, peace of mind while handling crucial tasks and remaining healthy while handling the workload.

If we follow the above basic checklist, it will be good for your professional and personal life. Charity begins from home, let’s make our work from home more productive.