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Stay Active Using the Pomodoro Technique

  • May 03, 2021

Stay active using the "Pomodoro Technique"

Thinking in terms of tomatoes rather than hours is the key to effective time management. Millions of people swear by the Pomodoro Technique's life-changing power. (The Italian word for tomato is pomodoro)

The Pomodoro Technique is based on the premise that taking short breaks and diversions greatly improves concentration. It removes distractions and discourages multiple tasks, so you can fully focus on a single task at a time.

This technique promotes sustained improvement in productivity and avoid mental fatigue, this popular time management method requires you to alternate pomodoros — focused work sessions — with frequent short breaks. You have to set a timer for 25 minutes, after which you get a five-minute break.

Who invented it?

Francesco Cirillo, a university student, invented the Pomodoro Technique in the late 1980s. He had difficulty concentrating on his studies and tasks. He was asked to spend only ten minutes focusing on the study. Encouraged by this challenge, he found a kitchen timer shaped in tomato (in Italian pomodoro), with the technique of Pomodoro born.

How does it work?

The idea is simple. set your timer to 25 minutes and work uninterrupted for these 25 minutes. When your timer stops, mark off one pomodoro and write down what you accomplished. At the end of the 25 minutes, take a short break, usually five minutes. The process is then repeated. You will be surprised how much can be accomplished quickly when you implement this technique.

Important rules

The 25-minute sprints are at the heart of the process, but a Pomodoro practice contains important rules too:

Break down complex projects

If more than 4 pomodores are needed, then they must be divided into smaller tasks. Keeping this rule will help you to ensure that your projects make clear progress.

Note down the progress:

Any new ideas, tasks, or requests should be written down and revisited later. Try to use physical paper and a pen/pencil. This old tactile way of recording progress works wonder and cements your achievement. Of course, you can also use your computer or any to-do list app.

No interruptions in between

Take two to three-minute break and restart if an unexpected interruption occurs. Cirillo suggests keeping track of interruptions (internal or external) as they happen and reflecting on how to prevent them in the next pomodore (session).

Why it is effective?

The concept of time blocking, or the concept of planning out blocks of time in your day is as old as the concept of a calendar. People like Benjamin Franklin meticulously planned their days, allotting time for things like reading, organizing, and even sleeping. Also, the concept of time blocking has been shown to improve many people's productivity. Because the most effective frameworks are often the simplest. Its steps are simple enough for anyone to understand. You also don't need any special equipment to practice it.

So get going and start implementing it from today.