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Precautions to ensure employee wellness during COVID19 times

  • July 06, 2020

COVID19 has perhaps changed the way we live and work. Until the medical world is working to find a treatment or vaccine for COVID19, we have no option but to live with it. While social distancing is essential, few other factors are required to ensure wellbeing at work.

Adopt change and follow it strictly

Prohibit handshaking, hugs, and fist bumps.  Keep reminding yourself to avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. Always wear a mask, especially when you interact with people.

If employee or employees develops symptoms at the workplace, advise them self-isolation for 14 days.

Home is the best office

Work from home even if someone at your home has mild symptoms such as mild fever, cough, throat pain, etc. Also, stay home if you have taken any medication like paracetamol, which may mask these symptoms.

If you had symptoms, you could be with others after three days with no fever and other respiratory symptoms. And if you were tested positive but asymptomatic, wait for ten days have passed since the test to be with others.

Sanitize your hand and everything you touch

Ensure that commonly touched objects are wiped clean regularly with disinfectant or sanitiser. Regular and thorough hand washing is useful as you keep touching objects in the workplace. If you have visited common areas such as cafeteria, front office, toilets, bathrooms, etc. wash your hands immediately.

While washing hands, follow the method advised by the World Health Organisation. After washing, use a disposable tissue to dry your hands. If hand washing is not possible, use alcohol-based hand sanitiser.

Be alert avoid the crowd

Keep a watch on places where there would be a crowd and make plans to ensure social distancing.  Avoid face to face meetings as much as you can; if not, reduce the time of the meeting and minimise the number of attendees. Avoid travelling in crowded public transport. If you have to travel for work, follow all precautions and carry a sufficient supply of sanitisers and face masks.

Make sure office is well ventilated

Try and keep windows open wherever possible to ensure the office is well ventilated. Try and keep windows open wherever possible to ensure the office is well ventilated. What's more, in the event that the AC is on, at that point consistently Set Room Temperature somewhere in the range of 24°C and 30°C. Maintain a relative humidity between 40% and 70%.

By being attentive to our surroundings and conscious of actions and surroundings, one can avoid contracting COVID19 infection. Always follow the advice of healthcare authorities, office administration and local regulatory bodies.

These precaution tips are brought to you by myHealthmeter Services. myHealthmeter Integrated Wellness Program by myHealthmeter is a unique approach towards holistic health and wellness as per the need of modern-day corporate workforce. To know more visit