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Post-Covid Care: Guidelines for Those Who've Recovered From Covid-19

  • January 24, 2022

There have also been reports of patients contracting the novel coronavirus again. Furthermore, individuals who are at a high risk of reinfection are either elderly or do not take adequate preventive measures to protect their immune systems, making post-COVID care essential for them.

After recovering from a coronavirus infection, it is critical to maintain a healthy lifestyle and be aware of any warning signs. If you or someone in your family has recovered from covid, here is what you can do to overcome the weakness caused by the coronavirus infection.

Follow these steps to care for yourself:

  • Getting up early and getting some morning sunlight makes you feel more energetic, positive, and vibrant.
  • Maintain a daily basic hygiene routine, which should include wearing a mask and washing your hands frequently.
  • Always be positive and avoid COVID-19 news, including social media. Just take a break.
  • Consume nutritious foods and drink plenty of water.
  • Make exercising part of your daily routine.
  • Give your body proper rest.
  • Tobacco and alcohol should be avoided in excess.
  • Practice: stretching, deep breathing, and meditation.


  • Tips to cope with stress and anxiety:


  • Stay in touch with your loved ones via audio or video calls.
  • Relive your favorite hobbies.
  • Do not try to hide your illness.
  • Speak truthfully about what you feel. Share it with your loved ones.
  • Share positive stories about people who have recovered from COVID-19.


  • Healthy food tips


  • Avoid skipping meals and divide your daily calorie intake into 5-6 small meals.
  • To add fiber to your diet, eat whole grain cereals, whole grains and pulses.
  • Eat at least 4-5 servings of fresh green vegetables and fruits per day.
  • Almonds, walnuts, and flax seeds are high in antioxidants and should be included in your daily diet.
  • Limit your intake of salty, processed, and preserved foods.
  • Avoid eating out.


  • Perform lung exercises.


  • After recovering from COVID, you must strengthen your lungs with lung exercises. One can choose from a variety of lung strengthening exercises, ranging from simple yogic breathing exercises to blowing candles and using a spirometer.

Get vaccinated                                       

You must still be vaccinated or receive a booster, wear a mask, and maintain social distance. Immunity is complex, and you can still become infected with COVID-19. A recent study discovered that unvaccinated adults were twice as likely to be re-infected with COVID-19 as those who were vaccinated after recovering from their illness.

You are a fighter who has fought an infection. However, even after recovery, you may experience chronic fatigue, nutrient deficiencies, anxiety or depression as a result of what has already occurred. Take care of your mental health by meditating and doing things that you enjoy to keep yourself positive. And maintain a healthy lifestyle for faster recovery from COVID-19.

Stay healthy and Stay safe.