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New Year, New You. Set your resolution in motion from today!

  • December 07, 2020

It's coming—January 1 is looming, along with all the promises that come with the stroke of midnight. We all witnessed how 2020 was for all of us. Use the New Year as a fresh start for revamping your work-life. Increase productivity by cleaning up your virtual clutter.

The New Year is a time to become a new and improved you. Start practicing it from today so by the time New Year arrives it will be a daily routine for you.

Wake up early

Instead of savouring another 10 minutes in bed, just jump out of the bed as soon as this thought pops up in your mind in the morning. Successful people know the benefits of waking up early. Apple CEO Tim Cook starts his mornings at 3:45 a.m., Ellevest CEO and co-founder Sallie Krawcheck wake at 4 a.m. and Oprah Winfrey, Michelle Obama and Indra Nooyi have been known to rise at the crack of dawn. If you get up one hour earlier each morning, you will gain 15 extra days in a year. Just begin your day with a great workout or a meditation.

Resolve to set attainable goals

Map out your goals every day, week and month. Remember all these small goals will be a step towards your annual goals. Everything you do in your organization should build towards the bigger goal. Remember that Rome wasn't built overnight– organizing your set of goals will be a valuable investment that pays off with increased productivity in the long run. Resolve to learn something new, it can be something new every day or at least every week that can help you stay focused and motivated at work.

Expand and enhance your knowledge

There's always a way to improve yourself. Identify one or two actions you can take like books you need to read or newspapers/publications that will offer insight into your industry. Set aside 30 minutes daily for the activity. You might also take up a short weekend online course to improve a skill that's useful in your current position. Indeed! There are many free e-books online that you can utilize to learn this new skill.

Put that smart-phone away

Difficult, isn't it? But not impossible. True, due to new normal our daily work life is more dependent on gadgets like laptop and smartphones. Because they help us to stay connected to colleagues. While we are just one click away from everything, this culture of always staying online can harm in many ways. You can have a digital break maybe after working hours. Make sure keep it aside for a certain time so phone calls and notification do not distract you.

Eat healthier at work

On average, we all spend more than 65% of our day at work. The eating patterns that we adopt during this working time of the day, affect the rest of the day. This might have a direct effect on your workplace productivity. So, this new year, resolve to eat healthier during working hours. Daily plan your snack and meal times.

Resolutions shouldn't be quick fixes, instead habit-forming changes to improve your daily life. Start practicing above mentioned tips from today.  Wish you have a great 2021.