Sensitive teeth

Nature's clues to healthy living

  • June 17, 2016

Nature is always helpful to all the creatures living on the planet. It gives clues for our health and survival; we just have to intelligently and closely look for those clues. Here are nature’s clues to healthy living.

Carrot is good for eyes: Sliced carrot looks like cornea of the eye and research suggests that it is good for eyes. Carrot is rich in beta-carotene, which prevents blindness and is also good for vision.

Walnut is good for brain: Walnut looks exactly like brain. High omega-3 fatty acid content present in walnut is good for brain as well as heart.

Ginger for stomach: Ginger comes in various shapes, but it resembles like stomach as well. Ginger is a very good appetizer and it improves digestion.

Avocados for uterus: Richness of folic acid in avocado is good for uterus and baby inside the womb. 

Tomato for heart: If you slice a tomato it looks like heart and it is red as well. Lycopene present in tomato is good for heart in research studies.

Grapefruit for breast: Sliced grapefruit looks like sliced section of breast tissue. Limonoids present in grapefruit improve movement of lymph in and out of the breast maintaining breast health.

Grape for lungs: Lung has several sac like structures where exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide with blood occurs. These sacs look like grape. Research shows that proanthocyanidin found in grape decreases severity of asthma.  

So, when you see a fruit or vegetable or nut or any healthy eatable, don’t forget to look for nature’s clue to health.

The content developed by Scientific Angle Publications LLP

Disclaimer: This article is for educational purpose only. Please consult a qualified doctor before taking any decisions regarding recommendations in the article or for more information.


