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National Nutrition Week 2021

  • September 06, 2021

National Nutrition Week (NNW) is an annual nutrition event organized by the Food and Nutrition Board within the Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India. It is held from September 1st to September 7th every year, to raise awareness about nutrition and to emphasize its importance. As we near the end of National Nutrition Week, continue reading to find out what it's all about!

Theme for year 2021

Nutrition is the process of supplying the necessary food for optimal health and growth. It is a scientific field that deals with nutrients. Nutrients are essential for survival, growth, health, reproduction, and disease prevention. A healthy and balanced diet contains all of the nutrients that the body requires, such as vitamins, essential fats, minerals, carbohydrates, proteins, and so on. The human body requires seven major types of nutrients to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Carbohydrates, fats, dietary fibre, minerals, proteins, vitamins, and water are the seven nutrients that can be classified as macronutrients or micronutrients.

The theme of this year's National Nutrition Week is "Feeding Smart Right from the Start." The government has launched a programme to disseminate accurate information and raise public awareness through seminars and workshops. It focuses on informing people about the benefits of a nutritious diet from the time they are born, through a variety of initiatives.

Here is a list of different diets and how they can help you get enough nutrients.

Atkins Diet:

When large amounts of refined carbohydrates are consumed, insulin levels in the body rapidly rise and fall, causing the body to store energy from the consumed food as fat, making it less likely to be used as a source of energy later. The nutritional emphasis of the Atkins diet ensures that your body becomes accustomed to eating more vegetables rather than high-carbohydrate junk foods.

Zone Diet

The Zone diet meets the requirements for a more balanced diet, which includes 40 percent carbohydrates, 30 percent fats, and 30 percent protein in each meal. The goal here, too, is to regulate insulin levels in the body, which leads to better weight loss and body weight control. Carbohydrates consumed during this diet should have a low glycemic index, which ensures a slow release of sugar in the body and, as a result, keeps you feeling full for longer periods of time.

Vegan Diet:

Veganism has evolved into a lifestyle choice and philosophy rather than just a diet. It forbids the consumption of anything derived from animals, including dairy, honey, milk, and eggs. Veganism emphasizes the environmental and ethical and compassionate benefits of this practice. Even on a vegan diet, you can get the majority of the nutrients your body needs from various plants and fruits. Carbohydrate-rich foods can be a great way to supplement a vegan diet.

Raw Food Diet:

A raw food diet, as the name implies, consists of consuming only unprocessed foods and beverages that are entirely plant-based and, ideally, organic. This diet also adheres to the rule that three-quarters of a person's daily food intake should consist of uncooked foods. This diet provides the body with more nutrition because cooking or heating the food destroys the nutrients and natural enzymes found in it.