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Monkeypox Outbreak: Avert yet Another Global Pandemic - Symptoms, Diagnosis, Prevention

  • August 01, 2022

Just when the world is finally able to suppress the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, which lasted two years, WHO proclaimed a new epidemic termed Monkeypox. However, unlike SARS-CoV-2, monkeypox is not a novel disease. Monkeypox was found in 1958 after two epidemics of a pox-like illness in colonies of monkeys. Primarily, African rats and primates (such as monkeys) can carry the virus and transmit the virus. Monkeypox, a rare viral virus that was formerly limited to several nations in Western and Central Africa as well as visitors to these areas, has recently spread worldwide due to viral occurrences. With over 16,000 instances in over 75 countries, the illness garnered international attention.
The fast-growing monkeypox infection has been declared a worldwide health crisis by the World Health Organization.  The virus was discovered in monkeys and is mostly spread through physical contact with an infected individual. Monkeypox is still in its early stages in India, with only four cases reported so far.


How hazardous or lethal is it?

Monkeypox is caused by a virus that causes moderate symptoms such as fever, muscle pains, and mucus skin sores. The patient usually heals in 2 to 4 weeks. The Monkeypox outbreak of 2022 is spreading at a considerably higher rate than the epidemic that occurred in 1970. This virus is not as easily transmittable as the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the risk of monkeypox is mild worldwide, except for Europe, where the WHO has classified the danger as substantial.


Who is at the highest risk of Monkeypox infection?

During close contact, the virus can be spread by respiratory particles such as conversing, coughing, breathing, or sneezing. Although any human can become infected with Monkeypox regardless of sex, gender, or age, health experts have also cautioned that particular groups, notably certain homosexual and bisexual males, travellers, and healthcare professionals, are at the greatest risk of infection.


What are the signs and symptoms of monkeypox?

Fever, severe headache, muscular pains, backache, poor energy, enlarged lymph nodes, shivers, tiredness, and skin rashes or sores on the face, genitals, mouth, and eyes are common symptoms of Monkeypox infection.


How can the monkeypox virus be avoided?

A smallpox vaccination protects against monkeypox, although it is presently only used in clinical studies. Preventive measures rely on reducing human contact with diseased animals and restricting person-to-person transmission. The most effective strategy for the prevention of monkeypox virus is:

Avoid contact with persons who may have been infected with the virus.


  • When traveling or in a crowd, use a mask that covers your nose and mouth.
  • Decontaminate potentially contaminated surfaces regularly.
  • Avoid interaction with diseased animals
  • Travel to foreign nations should be limited.
  • Make use of condoms and dental dams when having intercourse.
  • Use personal protection equipment if you are a medical practitioner (PPE).
  • Thoroughly wash hands before eating and cooking the food
  • Avoid eating meat as much as possible.


How can you diagnose the Monkeypox? 

Because monkeypox is still an uncommon and new disease in our nation, your healthcare professional will check for fundamental signs such as fever, rashes, and especially enlarged lymph nodes, which identify monkeypox from other poxes. To diagnose monkeypox, a tissue sample from an open sore (lesion) and the blood sample are usually collected and tested to detect the virus and antibodies produced by your innate immunity.

Is monkeypox deadly?

The current global Monkeypox outbreak is being caused by the less severe West African clade (2022). So far, only five people have died worldwide from Monkeypox. However, monkeypox can lead to health complications such as pneumonia and illnesses in your brain (encephalitis), which can be lethal if not diagnosed and treated in time.

If you have a fever with chills, body aches or swollen lymph nodes, a new rash or sores on your body, have recently travelled and feeling nauseous, or have been in close contact with an infected person, you should contact your physician immediately. He or she will ask you to undergo an easy monkeypox diagnosis test. To keep monkeypox from becoming yet another dangerous epidemic, it is everyone's responsibility to take precautions, diagnose timely, and behave responsibly. Let us fight the Monkeypox outbreak and build healthy, happy communities worldwide.