Sensitive teeth

Misconceptions about acne

  • September 16, 2019

Acne is more common in teenage. However, acne can also happen just before periods, in those suffering from an ovary related disease called PCOS or as a side-effect of some medications. Here are a few misconceptions about acne.

"Wash your face frequently" is the standard advice in acne. However, you should wash your face not more than twice a day.

Contrary to general belief, acne is not caused by dirty skin or poor hygiene, so cleanliness has no effect on acne and washing your face more than twice a day may worsen acne. You can’t use any soap or cleanser in acne. Use milder soap to wash your face or skin or use acne washes. If you wash with soap that is harsh on your skin, it can damage your skin. Ensure that any cosmetic product that you use is labeled "won't clog pores" or "won't cause acne" or "non-comedogenic". So if you apply a beauty cream, sunscreen, moisturizer or a medicated cream after you wash your face; ensure that it is safe.

Contrary to general belief, squeezing blackheads, whiteheads and spots is not the best way to get rid of acne, it worsens acne and may cause scarring. You should surely avoid doing that.

Many believe that sexuality or sexual activity can cause acne. No, it is not true, sexual activity has no impact on acne. Acne is also not infectious, which means it does not spread from one person to another.

So, if you have acne or if your family member or friends have acne, the best thing to do is maintain hygiene, use right cosmetic products and visiting your doctor if acne is getting bothersome.

Developed by Scientific Angle brought to you by Health Meter Services

Disclaimer: Don't follow any suggestions in this article without consulting a qualified doctor

  1. Acne Information. Available at: Accessed on 18 August 2019.
  2. NHS. Acne, Causes. Available at Accessed on 25 August 2019.
  3. Chim C. ACCP. Acne Vulgaris. Available at: Accessed on 18 August 2019.