Sensitive teeth

Micro Nutrients Deficiency

  • July 04, 2022

Let's say you have two potted plants at home. To plant A, every day you are providing enough sunlight, water, air, the right soil, and fertilizer. And to plant B, you are not proving enough sunlight and keeping it in the dark, you are not watering it daily, and you have not used the right soil and fertilizer for its roots to grow. What will happen? Plant A will grow in fine fettle. Plant B will eventually have damaged leaves, its roots will go weak, and the flower buds will fall off. Because even though in a smaller amount; every plant needs vitamins and minerals in order to survive and thrive. In a similar way, as humans, our body's needs are no different than that. We, as humans, should not ignore the importance of micronutrients in our lives. 

Micronutrients are classified into two types: vitamins and minerals. While they are only required in tiny quantities, they play a major role in our development and overall wellbeing. They regulate our body's multiple functioning such as metabolism, heartbeat, cellular pH, immune system, blood clotting, and bone density. Micronutrient deficiencies can cause atrophied growth in children and an elevated chance of various diseases in adults. Humans can suffer from a variety of chronic conditions such as autoimmune diseases, stroke, and diabetes - if they do not consume enough micronutrients.

Micro means small. Although in smaller amounts, the micronutrients are vital to maintain our physical and mental health in day-to-day life. There are two types of vitamins: water-soluble and fat-soluble. Water-soluble vitamins are easily lost in bodily fluids and must be replenished on a daily basis. The B-complex vitamins and vitamin C are water-soluble. Two of the most well-known B-complex vitamins are B6 and B12. Fat-soluble vitamins tend to accumulate within the body and are not needed on a daily basis because they are not lost as easily as water-soluble vitamins. A, D, E, and K are fat-soluble vitamins. Minerals come in two varieties: macrominerals and microminerals - which include iron, copper, zinc, calcium, potassium, and other vital minerals. Minerals are used by human bodies for a variety of purposes, including the proper functioning of bones, heart, brain, and muscles. Moreover, the deficiency of necessary nutrients has also been linked to the development of poor mental health in individuals with anxiety and depression, bipolar illness, schizophrenia, and ADHD.

Many micronutrients are essential nutrients, which means they cannot be produced by the body itself. We must obtain these micronutrients from food, or eventually, we will endure micronutrient deficiencies, which act as a silent epidemic in our bodies. All micronutrients are crucial cofactors in DNA synthesis and metabolism. They are directly engaged in modulating enzymes that aid in the uptake of other nutrients and their conversion into fuel for the body.

Nutrient deficiencies and diseases can be caused by:

·       Inadequate dietary intake

·       Hunger (in poverty-stricken regions)

·       Health problems, both chronic and acute

·       Medications

·       Changes in nutrient metabolism

or an amalgamation of these factors.

What are the key causes of the Nutrient and Mineral insufficiencies?

·       Research has linked food insecurity to malnutrition in both developing, and developed countries.

·       Depression and other mental health illnesses might raise the risk of malnutrition. The occurrence of malnutrition is 4% greater in those living with mental illness compared to mentally-healthy people.

·       Excessive alcohol intake: Excessive alcohol might result in insufficient protein, caloric, and the body's weakened ability to intake minerals in adequate amounts.

·       Disorders that induce malabsorption (loss of nutrient absorption), such as Crohn's disease, celiac disease, and bacterial overgrowth in the intestines, can lead to malnutrition.

·       A poor diet high in junk food or low in fruits and vegetables can lead to a deficiency of minerals in the body.

·       An average human body must absorb 15-20 minutes of Sunrays every day to get essential vitamins like Vitamin D. The Sun's UV rays to help your body to create this nutrient.

·       It is necessary to intake 8-ounce (oz) glasses of water per day. Dehydration can impact our body's functioning by absorbing nutrients through food and liquids.

Did you know? In 1906, English scientist Frederick Gowland Hopkins proposed the notion of micronutrients as - "unsuspected dietetic elements". He stated micronutrients are molecules other than proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates that are important to human's health and wellness.

Consuming a diverse range of whole foods will help you fill up any nutritional deficiencies and ensure you get the full spectrum of micronutrients. Because no single food is known to supply all vital elements. That is why it is frequently advised to include a range of food products in our diet to obtain vital nutrients and allow our bodies to grow healthily.

Here are some nutrient-rich foods which you can include in your diet:



Vitamin A

Leafy-green vegetables, carrots, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, milk, tomatoes, red bell pepper, eggs, yogurt

Vitamin B

Cheese, eggs, spinach, avocado, soybeans, bananas, peanuts, meat, fish

Vitamin C

Potatoes, strawberries, broccoli, sprouts, oranges and orange juice, limes, papaya, guava, apples

Vitamin D


Mushroom, egg yolk, cereals, cheese, butter, fish


Vitamin E

Almonds, avocado, sunflower seeds, spinach, shrimp, kiwi fruit, wheat germ oil

Vitamin K

Pickles, lettuce, pumpkin, kale, soybeans, blueberries, pine nuts, spinach, broccoli


Grains, leafy greens, mango, pineapple, jackfruit, banana, nuts, cauliflower, cabbage, eggs, beans, cheese, yogurt, berries, potatoes, cocoa

We will end up creating serious health complications for ourselves if we fail to intake adequate micronutrient and mineral-rich meals in the right proportions. As previously said, these nutrients are essential for our body and brain to function well. Because micronutrients are essential to all of our body's functions, they can also serve as antioxidants and disease-fighting components. The main thing to remember here is that these nutrients should be ingested in sufficient quantities to get all of their advantages. Even if you think you're in pink health, the scarcity of micronutrients and minerals in the human body can be seen in tiny issues with health such as increased hair loss, vision changes, slow-healing wounds, burning sensation in hands or feet, back pain, muscle strain, frequent headache, decreased appetite, feeling of nausea and fatigue and so on.

Consult your doctor if you are experiencing any of the above symptoms and observe any sudden changes in your health. Your doctor may suggest a vitamin profile test to see whether you are deficient in any nutrients. It is not recommended to intake any vitamin supplement pills before consulting a medical professional. Myhealthmeter, one of the best diagnostics centres in India, provides economical vitamin test profiles professionally and accurately that may put an end to all of your concerns.

Micronutrients and minerals are crucial components of our daily diet for the prevention and healing of various illnesses. The government offices, schools, universities, and private firms should focus on raising knowledge about the advantages of micronutrients and minerals to enhance the health of communities across the country.