Sensitive teeth

Lipids in Health and Disease

  • March 18, 2019

Lipids play a major role in maintaining cell structure, function and energy metabolism. Lipids also provide protection and insulation. Wide range of cell to cell communication depends on lipid metabolites and any disturbances in their expression levels can lead to variety of disorders – such as obesity, diabetes, autoimmunity or inborn errors of metabolism.  


Dyslipidemia in layman’s terms can be referred to as , “abnormal cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Person is at increased risk of heart disease, stroke or narrowing of arteries if there is too much of the bad cholesterol (LDL-C/triglyceride) or too less of good cholesterol (HDL-C). It is well-established that increased LDL-levels are associated with higher cardiovascular disease risk and higher HDL-levels are associated with reduced risk of coronary heart disease. The risk of cardiovascular diseases can be described as an “indicator” to reflect increased risk in lipid profile which may not be identified by examining LDL alone. Increased risk of cardiovascular disease can be indicated by Non-HDL cholesterol which sums up the bad cholesterol present in the body.


Cholesterol is not all bad, it is essential for health of our cells and to ensure several vital functions. It is only problematic, when it is in excess. If cholesterol is high, lifestyle changes can reverse it. If it is too much, there are medicines. Consult your doctor.

Developed by Scientific Angle Publications and brought to you by Health Meter Services

Disclaimer: Don’t follow any suggestions in this article without consulting a qualified doctor



  1. Understanding the Essentials of Blood lipid metabolism. Available at Accessed on 2nd March, 2019.