Sensitive teeth

How to get rid of facial warts

  • September 10, 2018

Warts are small bumps which feel rough and hard when you touch. All warts are caused by human papillomavirus (HPV). Warts look brown, grey, black and pink in colour. Avoid touching warts as they can spread easily from one part to other parts of body. Mostly warts are seen on fingers, hands, face and feet.

Types of warts:

Flat warts - Flat warts are seen on cheeks and forehead. They are very small in size. These warts are seen in clusters and they look like many tiny dots. Flat warts are mostly seen in children.

Filiform warts – Filiform warts are seen around the mouth, eyes and nose. These warts look different than other types of warts. These have spiky and bristly appearance and protrude out of the skin.  When filiform warts occur in an eye crease or on skin folds they cause discomfort and itching.

Medical wart removal

  • Cantharidin- It is a blistering agent. It causes chemical burns. This treatment may cause pain. Cantharidin is used to coat the wart, causing a blister to form under it during this treatment.
  • Cryotherapy- In this treatment, doctor injects or applies liquid nitrogen into the wart. This liquid freezes the wart. This treatment is done for two to three weeks.
  • Surgical removal- This treatment is used to remove filiform warts. In this treatment scalpel is used to shave the wart.

Developed by Scientific Angle brought to you by Health Meter Services

Disclaimer: Don’t follow any suggestions in this article without consulting a qualified doctor


1. How to Get Rid of Facial Warts

2. Skin Conditions and Warts.

3. Warts: 10 Answers to Frequently Asked Questions.