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How to dine out healthy if you have diabetes

  • April 06, 2016

Diabetes has become very common in India. Moreover, pre-diabetes, where you sugar levels are at borderline is also common and it increases risk of developing diabetes in future.1 Food is important component of diabetes pathogenesis as well as management. Many love outside food, meaning food in restaurants. Living with diabetes need not mean that you give up on eating out with friends and family. Just like everyone, you can maintain a balanced diet at home and restaurant, as long as you know the right foods to avoid.

5 Ideas to Eat Healthy when Dining Out

It’s not always easy and most often, restaurant menus describe food with mouthwatering language that actually means high on fat, sugar or stuffed with calories. Every diabetic person has a different meal plan and it’s important to consult your doctor to devise the best strategy for you. Once you are sure about your meal plans and goals, watch out and stay away from these tempting menus at the restaurant. Here are some things to be aware when you dine out.2

“Stay away from restaurant menus that describe food with mouthwatering language”

Eat on Time

It is important to time your meal plan when eating out. Always choose a restaurant that accepts reservations. If reservations aren’t an option, avoid dining at peak hours when you are likely to wait longer.

Don’t be Shy and Please Ask

Ask questions about the ingredients especially about the fat and salt content. Ask for substitutes if you don’t like it.

Hidden Sugar means Hidden Danger

It is obvious that desserts have high sugar, but it is also surprising that meals at restaurants also have syrups, honey and other dressings on recipes like salads that contain sweet ingredients. Also, please check choice of beverages you make. Avoiding hidden sugars can help you a long way in managing diabetes even when dining out.

Watch out for Rosy words

“au gratin”, “Farm”, “Alfredo” or “battered” generally means high on fat, carbohydrates or high calories. These recipes are good to avoid since they can significantly harm your diet plans and goals. Even “Craft Beer” has twice the alcohol and calories as regular beer.  So opt for the ones that say “light” or “low carb”

Go Plain

If your dish is served swimming in butter, sour cream, dressing, or a creamy or cheesy sauce, you are sure to get loads of calories and fat. It is always recommended to ask for your order to be served plain, with sauces served on the side that will allow you to control the amount you eat.

The content developed by Scientific Angle Publications LLP

Disclaimer: This article is for educational purpose only. Please consult a qualified doctor before taking any decisions regarding recommendations in the article or for more information.


  1. Gupta M et al. Diabetes in India: a long way to go. Int J Sci Rep. 2015;1(1):1-2
  2. Eating out with Diabetes, By Kelsey Kloss, Reader’s Digest
  3. Evidence-based nutritionguidelinesfor the prevention and management of diabetes. Diabetes UK.