Sensitive teeth

H1N1 infection

  • January 21, 2019

You must have seen H1N1 making news off late. This is a serious condition that needs attention, especially in winter, since it is transmitted more easily during winter. Here are some essential facts you should know about H1N1. H1N1 type A influenza, also known as swine flu is a respiratory disease caused in pigs which can transmitted to humans via contact with infected pigs/other infected people or working in environment contaminated with swine flu influenza virus. However, the transmission of swine flu virus from pigs to human is not very common because very few human cases have been reported with swine flu due to direct contact with infect pigs. Humans don’t have natural immunity to H1N1 swine flu because vaccines for seasonal flu does not confer protection against H1N1 swine flu virus. Thus, following preventive measures are helpful:

1.  Stay indoors: Swine flu symptoms can be misdiagnosed as seasonal flu symptoms and thus, if you have flu like symptoms, stay indoors. Professional bodies recommend that it is better to stay at home for 24 hours unless you are free from flu like symptoms.

2.  Don’t spread, contain your cough: Make sure to cover your mouth properly while coughing or sneezing, but not with both hands to avoid transferring germs to every object you touch. Use crook of your arm or tissues.

3.  Personal hygiene: Maintain personal hygiene by regularly washing your hands with soap and water and carry a hand sanitizer with you.

4.  Dining out: Always make sure that utensils are sanitized properly as swine flu can be contracted by eating in infected utensils.

5.  Avoid crowded places: Avoid crowded places as much as you can and wear surgical masks in high traffic areas.

Consult your doctor:

Visit your doctor immediately if you have swine flu like symptoms such as high fever, body aches etc. Seek medical advice immediately if you think you have contracted swine flu.

Do not neglect your fever, if it severe and makes you ill, if it lasts more than a couple of days. Visit your doctor without fail. Although the chances of H1N1 are very low, better to take appropriate medical care and precautions.


Developed by Scientific Angle brought to you by Health Meter Services

Disclaimer: Don’t follow any suggestions in this article without consulting a qualified doctor


1.  Swine Flu FAQ

5 precautions you must take to avoid Swine Flu