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Global Handwashing Day

  • October 12, 2020

COVID-19 has proved and is a stark reminder of how critical is hand washing and the correct ways to wash hands. Global Handwashing Day was announced in 2008. Numerous health agencies, volunteers and nations have come together to advocate this extremely healthy habit amongst children and adults.

The pandemic that has swept millions of lives from the earth has warned us that hand wash is a life saver against the virus and other life-threatening diseases. Not just this. It helps to build strong lives that build good immunity system against diseases by keeping them at bay. You will find many sign boards and educational warning boards that encourage hand washing since it is more than important.

Hand Washing is only successful if done in a proper manner. One should be aware about its Do’s and Don’ts. The following text will help you understand the importance of Hand Wash. So roll your eyes down

What is Hand washing?

Hand washing is a routine habit in which one washes hands with the help of soap and water. It is usually done to prevent one’s self from getting ill.

Why is Hand washing important?

In our daily lives, we touch many common places that are touched by others too. The risk of spreading diseases arising from bacteria and virus grow when we come in contact with those touch surfaces. As a result when we touch our face or eat anything without washing our hands, the deadly virus or bacteria attacks our body giving rise to diseases. So it is vital to keep the diseases away by washing hands regularly.

When to wash hands?

Frequent hand washing should be a routine practice. It should be encouraged at home, in schools and commercial places too. Wash your hands if:

  · You are about to prepare, serve or eat a meal

  . You have used the toilet

  · You have cleaned your baby after diaper changing or clothing

 · You have just come back from office, grocery shopping, movies, social visits, etc.

 · You have just had your meal

 · You have finished household chores

 · You have sneezed into your hands

 · You have touched common surfaces like door knobs, handles, switches, remote control, gadgets, etc.

 · You have given first aid to someone or done bandaging

 · You are about to change your contact lenses or take medicine

 · You have handles cleaning tasks like handling garbage

 · You are about to handle or after you have handled your pets or pet food

 · You have touched counter areas like bank counters, restaurant counters or entertainment centre counters

 · You are about to enter or exit hospital facility or cosmetic facility

What is the best way to wash your hands?

Follow these steps:

  1. Wet your hands with tap water and apply soap evenly on your hands.
  2. Close the tap and rigorously rub your hands in circular motion
  3. Make sure you do not forget the nail beds as they are the breeding grounds for pathogens
  4. Criss Cross your finger in between and rub nicely. Apply more soap if needed.
  5. Hold the thumb of one hand and clasp nicely. Repeat with the other hand thumb.
  6. Grab your wrist with the other hand and rub with soap. Repeat the same with the other hand wrist.
  7. Rinse hand under open tap and make sure all the soap is washed away.
  8. Dry your hands with a clean dry towel
  9. Use towel or elbow to turn off the tap and wipe it.

Encourage hand washing amongst children as it is quintessential to develop high hygiene habits while they are young.

On this Global Handwashing Day, let’s pledge to stop the spread of this deadly pandemic by advocating hand washing.