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Depression during and after pregnancy

  • November 05, 2019

Pregnancy is an exciting time for any couple. Some to be mothers or mothers may find pregnancy stressful, especially because of multiple roles and responsibilities that they have to take on. Some even have feelings about harming themselves and their children. These may be symptoms of depression.

The triggers for depression could be physical and emotional:

  • Sudden rise and fall in female hormones 'estrogen' and 'progesterone', during pregnancy and after childbirth.
  • Low thyroid levels causing depression or irritating moods, problems with sleep or concentration, and weight gain.
  • Emotions of being overwhelmed with new responsibilities.

A family history of depression, pregnancy at a young age or problems with previous pregnancy and a lack of support from family and friends may increase the likelihood of depression.  

Symptoms of depression vary from being mild to severe:

  • Having mood swings or crying spells
  • Loss of appetite
  • Having trouble sleepings
  • Loss of sexual interest or responsiveness
  • suicidal thoughts

Dealing with depression:

  • Consider exercises that can lift mood like swimming, walking or pregnancy yoga
  • Get help and support from partner, friends, and family
  • Try to get plenty of sleep
  • Avoid lonely time

Most symptoms last only a few days to a week, but if they persist beyond, or seem to be getting worse, consult your doctor. Having the "baby blues," is, therefore, not a character flaw or a weakness. Prompt treatment can overcome depression and help bond with the baby.

Developed by Scientific Angle brought to you by Health Meter Services

Disclaimer: Don’t follow any suggestions in this article without consulting a qualified doctor


  1. 'Depression During and After Pregnancy: You Are Not Alone'-
  2. 'Postpartum Depression'-