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COVID-19: Why are social distancing and self-quarantine so essential?

  • April 14, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought the world to a standstill! Moreover, healthcare workers are tirelessly dedicated to fighting the disease. How can we even control this contagion?

Two known weapons to control the rapid spread of the disease are ‘social distancing’ and ‘quarantine’. Although challenging to practice, they are the key to control the spread of respiratory diseases such as COVID-19.

‘Social distancing’ is the practice of maintaining space between individuals (ideally 6 feet) and avoiding non-essential physical contact. To achieve this:

  • Avoid public places and withdraw from gatherings
  • Maintain a safe distance and avoid shaking hands or hugging people

 ‘Quarantine’ involves avoiding contact with others, if exposed to coronavirus, for 14 days (incubation period of coronavirus). ‘Medical isolation’ involves separating individuals with COVID-19 to prevent them from spreading it to others, until they recover.

What happens if these strategies are not followed? The viral disease may spread exponentially, that is, the case counts of COVID-19 may double quickly and increase rapidly in just weeks! We see this as a steep curve on a graph.

On the other hand, social distancing can ‘flatten the curve’, that is it can slow down the spread so that fewer people will need medical treatment at a given time. This ensures better health care and prevents crowding at hospitals or sick people returning without treatment.

With social distancing, we still can work from home, attend classes online, shop online for personal supplies, stay virtually connected with people and create a healthy routine at home.

Social distancing and self-quarantine are mandatory in protecting ourselves and the community by limiting the spread of COVID-19. So be positive, stay home and stay safe!

Developed by Scientific Angle brought to you by Health Meter Services

Disclaimer: Don’t follow any suggestions in this article without consulting a qualified doctor


  1. ‘Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).’ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Available at:
  2. ‘Coronavirus: What is ‘flattening the curve,’ and will it work?’ Live Science. Available at:
  3. ‘Keeping Your Distance to Stay Safe.’ American Psychological Association. Available at:
  4. ‘COVID-19. Frequently Asked Questions.’ NSW Government.