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Comprehensive Mental Health Action Plan

  • October 22, 2018

The emotional, psychological and social state of a person is referred to as mental health. According to WHO, mental health disorders can be attributed to single most common cause of disability in young people. It has been estimated that around 15-20% of children and young adults are suffering from some kind of mental disorders.

If treatment is not sought for mental health problems, then it can have a negative impact on emotional well-being and social development. Mental health problems have become a taboo in our society leaving a person feeling socially awkward. The risk factors responsible for deterioration of mental health are quick social change, stress at work, gender discrimination, human rights violation, unhealthy lifestyle, physical ill-health etc. Mental health can be improved by creating an environment that will improve psychological and social well-being. WHO has given approval of "Comprehensive Mental Health Action Plan for 2013-2020” and the key features of this plan are:

  1. Strengthen the effective leadership and governance for mental health
  2. Comprehensive and responsive mental health services should be provided in community based settings
  3. To implement ways for mental health prevention and promotion
  4. Strengthen information systems, evidence and research for mental health

Developed by Scientific Angle brought to you by Health Meter Services

Disclaimer: Don’t follow any suggestions in this article without consulting a qualified doctor


  1. Kutcher S et al. Why Youth Mental Health Is So Important. Medscape J Med. 2008;10(12):275.