Sensitive teeth

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

  • January 14, 2019

Chronic kidney disease is characterized by the slow and progressive loss of kidney function over a period of time which will eventually lead to permanent kidney failure. Unfortunately, chronic kidney disease often remains undiagnosed until it has reached to an advanced stage. Due to loss in kidney function, person may build up high levels of fluid and waste in the body as well as develop some complications such as low blood count (anemia), weak bones, loss of appetite, nerve damage, high blood pressure etc.

Causes of chronic kidney disease:

The two main causes are diabetes and high blood pressure. Poor blood sugar control damages the kidneys. Similarly, if high blood pressure is not controlled, it can increase load on kidney and damage it. The other causes includes family history, older age, medications like etc.

Those who are at increased risk of kidney damage, like those suffering from hypertension, diabetes etc. should periodically get their kidney health checked so that early management can be done.  

Chronic kidney has no cure but it can be managed efficiently to prevent it from getting worse.

Treatment options includes:

  1. Lifestyle changes:

(a) Avoid smoking

(b) Eat a healthy, balanced diet

(c) Limit the salt intake

(d) Regular physical activity

(e) Lose weight

(d) Cut down alcohol content

  1. Dialysis or kidney transplant are usually undertaken in the last stage of CKD

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Disclaimer: Don’t follow any suggestions in this article without consulting a qualified doctor


  1. About chronic kidney disease
  2. Symptoms, causes, and treatment of chronic kidney disease
  3. Treatment