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Back To Work - Coffee Addiction

  • May 12, 2022

"Coffeeholic"- the one who is addicted to coffee - a brewed drink prepared from roasted coffee beans. "Coffee in one hand, confidence in the other", "Coffee makes life better"

"Stronger coffee, shorter Mondays" - such quotes scattered across social media sites and platforms exhibits the craze of coffee in the 21st century in this day and age.

A hot cup of strong coffee is the first thing millions of people strive for every morning. But that's not just limited to dawn time as today's fast-paced lifestyle and ever-growing competition is keeping people busy as a beaver even during odd hours. To stay awake and study at night, to stay fresh before the meeting, to alleviate stress during work hours, to eliminate fatigue after a busy day, to kickstart the day without feeling drowsy; chugging a cup of coffee at least 2-3 times a day is a ritual for many. The caffeine gets the blood moving throughout the body and keeps the brain cells vigilant, what else one could ask for to feel energetic, lively, and happy? But hold on, just as ethanol of liquors and tobacco of cigarettes makes one additive of them; caffeine in a cup of coffee is also an addictive substance that gives one an adrenaline rush.

Although this arguably most-loved drink comes with a few advantages if one takes it in the right amount.

(I) Improves Cardiovascular Health

Studies show that drinking at least one cup of coffee lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease and wards off heart failure

(II) Helps Prevent Stroke

One cup of coffee reduces the chance of stroke by 20%

(III) Helps the body to process sugar (glucose) better

Those who drink a cup of coffee every day are less likely to get 2 diabetes

(IV) Decreases the risk of getting Alzheimer's disease

Two cups of coffee can protect against developing Alzheimer's disease, especially in people 50+ age

It also comes with disadvantages if not taken in a moderate amount, just as anything in excess quantity can be toxic and dreadful for our health.

Dangerous side effects of drinking coffee include:

·       Hinders sleep and promotes insomnia disorder

Excessive coffee intake hinders good quality sleep and leads to insomnia! Poor sleeping patterns can impact your health in the long run.

·       It promotes High Blood Pressure (HBP)

 The increased release of adrenaline – a hormone involved in our visceral foundations, causes constriction of blood vessels in the body. When you consume coffee above the limit, it propels high blood pressure and heart rate.

·       Causes anxiety

Even though most coffeeholic drink coffee to reduce stress and worry, the irony is that it induces anxiety attacks if consumed in a large amount altogether.

·       Increases cholesterol levels

"Low cholesterol oil" you might have heard this term in recent years as most edible oil brands are marketing themselves by promising that their oil would not cause an acceleration in levels of cholesterol in your body. While HDL type of cholesterol is good for your body, LDL type of cholesterol is what excessive caffeine can shoot up which is certainly bad for your heart health by creating the blockage.


·       Breast tissue cysts

Caffeine-induced hormonal imbalance is one of the primary reasons behind the development of cysts in the breast. Even if it is not a cyst, too much caffeine can cause chest and breast pain.

·       Impacts period cycle

Intaking a copious amount of coffee negatively impacts the period cycle by slowing the flow of blood, causing inflammation as well as bloating which also worsens gut health and worsens cramps.

·       Elevates the risk of heart attacks

Even though we have priorly mentioned that coffee can help prevent cardiovascular diseases, if taken in an immoderate amount, it can also increase the risk of heart attack as when our coronary arteries tighten due to the build-up of cholesterol, the blood supply to the heart decreases on a large level. So, the next time you crave one more cup of coffee after chugging 2-3 cups throughout the day, control your mind to protect your heart health.

·       Contributes to the frequent urge for urination

Increased blood flow to the kidneys due to caffeine, in turn, causes increased urine and so the urge of urinating over and again.

Almost after two years of lockdown and working from home, many professionals are returning to office spaces, getting into the new routine, and managing work-life balance just as pre-COVID period. In such cases, those who already had grown the habit of drinking coffee every day while sitting on their home's couch with nothing to do much and a lot of time to overthink, and those who are under new work settings post-COVID period; are sipping on multiple cups of coffee in their workplace due to habit as well as new work stress. While indulging in your favourite beverage which emerged in kaffa many decades ago think about the future of your health by considering the disadvantages of drinking coffee – it is possible to make wise choices every morning or even afternoon and evening for that matter, as you hold a steaming cup of coffee in your hand. Your day should begin on a healthy note and not on caffeine molecules that can put your health at risk.